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Population Ecology (Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar)

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Team > M. Sc. Melvin Opolka

opolka M. Sc. Melvin Opolka

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Population Ecology

Doctoral student

Research project: Developing a European-level Monitoring strategy for mound-building Formica Ants and symbiont communities residing in nest mounds

Mound-building Formica ants (MBFs) are key species in temperate and boreal forests as well as natural grasslands. They provide important ecosystem functions and host numerous arthropods, known as myrmecophiles. Evidence suggests local declines or extinctions of these ants due to habitat fragmentation, climate change, altered management, and intensified land use. However, the overall population trends and threat status of these ants and their myrmecophiles in Europe are unknown, mainly due to a lack of unified monitoring strategies and differing protection status evaluations across the EU.

My project compares existing monitoring strategies from citizen science projects and other monitoring programs. By consolidating existing data, stakeholders will be informed about the status of MBFs on a transnational level. As part of MonitAnt, a new international monitoring strategy will be developed and validated in various forest and grassland habitats, considering management practices and large latitudinal and altitudinal gradients. In the process, baseline data and samples of MBFs and associated species will be collected.

In my project, I will test the developed monitoring strategy in several areas in Bavaria and collect baseline data and samples of MBFs and their associated species. This will help to determine the minimum sizes and characteristics of the areas required for viable populations. We have also developed a Europe-wide app for citizen scientists that can collect large-scale data on the distribution of MBF, allowing the identification of general development trends. You can access the app here.

I will also use modern methods to study fungi, pathogens and the genetics of ants and their myrmecophiles. In doing so, I hope to help improve our understanding of the ecology of MBFs and their interactions with the environment.

MonitAnt and Biodiversa+


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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Population Ecology

M. Sc. Melvin Opolka
Doctoral student

Animal Ecology I - Population Ecology
Building NW I, Room 5.0 01 06
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 2646
Fax: +49 (0) 921 55 2784

E-mail: Melvin.Opolka@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Univ. Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

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