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Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar
Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Population Ecology

Qualifications and Career

since 2011Professor for Animal Population Ecology, University of Bayreuth, Germany
2011Habilitation in Zoology, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany
2008 - 2011Scientific Assistant, Behavioural Biology, University of Osnabrück, Germany
2003 - 2008Postdoctoral researcher and scientific assistant, Zoology II, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany
1998 - 2003Doctorate in Zoology, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt / Main, Germany. Titel of the dissertation: “Structuring mechanisms of the Crematogaster-Macaranga ant-plant association: a combined ecological and phylogenetic approach”
1989 - 1996Studies in Biology (Diploma), Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany; Diploma thesis: “Untersuchungen zur Ameisenbesiedlung der paläotropischen Rutacee Zanthoxylum myriacanthum

Engagement in the Research System

Academic Governance

since 2018Vice women’s representative of the University, University of Bayreuth
since 2015Ombudsperson for young scientists, University of Bayreuth
since 2013Responsible for MSc programme “Biodiversity and Ecology”, University of Bayreuth
since 2011Women’s representative Biology (and Faculty), University of Bayreuth
since 2009Secretary and Treasurer of the Central European Section of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects (IUSSI)

Selected editorial responsibilities

since 2018Editorial Board member, Insects
since 2016Series Editor of book series, Zoological Monographs
since 2014Editorial Board member, Insectes Sociaux
since 2012Subject Editor, Myrmecological News
2012 - 2014Subject Editor, Central European Journal of Biology
Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Population Ecology



Ana Falconí-López, Nina Grella, David A. Donoso, Heike Feldhaar, Constance J. Tremlett, Jörg Müller: Patterns of deadwood amount and deadwood diversity along a natural forest recovery gradient from agriculture to old-growth lowland tropical forests. In: European Journal of Forest Research, (2024). - .

Antonia Schuhmann, Janna Schulte, Heike Feldhaar, Ricarda Scheiner: Bumblebees are resilient to neonicotinoid-fungicide combinations. In: Environment International, 186 (2024). - .

Dimitri Seidenath, Andreas Mittereder, Thomas Hillenbrand, Dieter Brüggemann, Oliver Otti, Heike Feldhaar: Do diesel exhaust particles in pollen affect colony founding in the bumble bee Bombus terrestris?. In: Insectes Sociaux, 71 (2024). - S. 157-163.

Anne Chao, Chun‐Huo Chiu, Kai‐Hsiang Hu, Fons van der Plas, Marc W. Cadotte, Oliver Mitesser, Simon Thorn, Akira S. Mori, Michael Scherer‐Lorenzen, Nico Eisenhauer, Claus Bässler, Benjamin M. Delory, Heike Feldhaar, Andreas Fichtner, Torsten Hothorn, Marcell K. Peters, Kerstin Pierick, Goddert von Oheimb, Jörg Müller: Hill–Chao numbers allow decomposing gamma multifunctionality into alpha and beta components. In: Ecology Letters, 27 (2024). - .

Charlotte Hopfe, Bryan Ospina-Jara, Thilo Schulze, Marta Tischer, Diego Morales, Vivien Reinhartz, Rashin Eshghi Esfahani, Carlos Valderrama, José Pérez-Rigueiro, Christoph Bleidorn, Heike Feldhaar, Jimmy Cabra-García, Thomas Scheibel: Impact of environmental factors on spider silk properties. In: Current Biology, 34 (2024). - S. 56-67.

Linda Hink, Stephan Rohrbach, Joey Rehkopf, Elmar Sehl, Seema Agarwal, Heike Feldhaar, Marcus A. Horn: Poly(L-lactide) mineralisation under environmental conditions is enhanced in earthworm guts. In: Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 196 (2024). - .


Dimitri Seidenath, Alfons Weig, Andreas Mittereder, Thomas Hillenbrand, Dieter Brüggemann, Thorsten Opel, Nico Langhof, Marcel Riedl, Heike Feldhaar, Oliver Otti: Diesel exhaust particles alter gut microbiome and gene expression in the bumblebee Bombus terrestris. In: Ecology and Evolution, 13 (2023). - .

Frederic Hüftlein, Dimitri Seidenath, Andreas Mittereder, Thomas Hillenbrand, Dieter Brüggemann, Oliver Otti, Heike Feldhaar, Christian Laforsch, Matthias Schott: Effects of diesel exhaust particles on the health and survival of the buff-tailed bumblebee Bombus terrestris after acute and chronic oral exposure. In: Journal of Hazardous Materials, 458 (2023). - .

Jörg Müller, Oliver Mitesser, Marc W. Cadotte, Fons van der Plas, Akira S. Mori, Christian Ammer, Anne Chao, Michael Scherer‐Lorenzen, Petr Baldrian, Claus Bässler, Peter Biedermann, Simone Cesarz, Alice Claßen, Benjamin M. Delory, Heike Feldhaar, Andreas Fichtner, Torsten Hothorn, Claudia Kuenzer, Marcell K. Peters, Kerstin Pierick, Thomas Schmitt, Bernhard Schuldt, Dominik Seidel, Diana Six, Ingolf Steffan‐Dewenter, Simon Thorn, Goddert von Oheimb, Martin Wegmann, Wolfgang W. Weisser, Nico Eisenhauer: Enhancing the structural diversity between forest patches : A concept and real‐world experiment to study biodiversity, multifunctionality and forest resilience across spatial scales. In: Global Change Biology, 29 (2023). - S. 1437-1450.

Mickal Y. I. Houadria, Giulio Barone, Tom M. Fayle, Thomas Schmitt, Petr Konik, Heike Feldhaar: An experimental, behavioral, and chemical analysis of food limitations in mutualistic Crematogaster ant symbionts inhabiting Macaranga host plants. In: Ecology and Evolution, 13 (2023). - .

Jasmin Kniese, Sven Ritschar, Lina Bünger, Heike Feldhaar, Christian Laforsch, Andreas Römpp, Heinar Schmidt: Localisation and identification of polystyrene particles in tissue sections using Raman spectroscopic imaging. In: NanoImpact, 30 (2023). - .

Linda Hink, Anja Holzinger, Tobias Sandfeld, Alfons Weig, Andreas Schramm, Heike Feldhaar, Marcus A. Horn: Microplastic ingestion affects hydrogen production and microbiomes in the gut of the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber. In: Environmental Microbiology, 25 (2023). - S. 2776-2791.

H. Darras, C. Berney, S. Hasin, J. Drescher, Heike Feldhaar, L. Keller: Obligate chimerism in male yellow crazy ants. In: Science, 380 (2023). - S. 55-58.

Jörg Müller, Oliver Mitesser, H. Martin Schaefer, Sebastian Seibold, Annika Busse, Peter Kriegel, Dominik Rabl, Rudy Gelis, Alejandro Arteaga, Juan Freile, Gabriel Augusto Leite, Tomaz Nascimento de Melo, Jack LeBien, Marconi Campos-Cerqueira, Nico Blüthgen, Constance J. Tremlett, Dennis Böttger, Heike Feldhaar, Nina Grella, Ana Falconí-López, David A. Donoso, Jerome Moriniere, Zuzana Buřivalová: Soundscapes and deep learning enable tracking biodiversity recovery in tropical forests. In: Nature Communications, 14 (2023). - .

Jens Diller, Frederic Hüftlein, Darleen Lücker, Heike Feldhaar, Christian Laforsch: Allelochemical run-off from the invasive terrestrial plant Impatiens glandulifera decreases defensibility in Daphnia. In: Scientific Reports, 13 (2023). - .

Ellen Desie, Juan Zuo, Kris Verheyen, Ika Djukic, Koenraad Van Meerbeek, Harald Auge, Nadia Barsoum, Christel Baum, Helge Bruelheide, Nico Eisenhauer, Heike Feldhaar, Olga Ferlian, Dominique Gravel, Hervé Jactel, Inger Kappel Schmidt, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, Céline Meredieu, Simone Mereu, Christian Messier, Lourdes Morillas, Charles Nock, Alain Paquette, Quentin Ponette, Peter B. Reich, Javier Roales, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Steffen Seitz, Anja Schmidt, Artur Stefanski, Stefan Trogisch, Inge van Halder, Martin Weih, Laura J. Williams, Bo Yang, Bart Muys: Disentangling drivers of litter decomposition in a multi-continent network of tree diversity experiments. In: Science of the Total Environment, 857, Part 3 (2023). - .

Felix Storch, Steffen Boch, Martin M. Gossner, Heike Feldhaar, Christian Ammer, Peter Schall, Andrea Polle, Franz Kroiher, Jörg Müller, Jürgen Bauhus: Linking structure and species richness to support forest biodiversity monitoring at large scales. In: Annals of Forest Science, 80 (2023). - .

Anja Holzinger, Linda Hink, Elmar Sehl, Nadine Rüppel, Eva Lehndorff, Alfons Weig, Seema Agarwal, Marcus A. Horn, Heike Feldhaar: Biodegradable polymers boost reproduction in the earthworm Eisenia fetida. In: Science of the Total Environment, 892 (2023). - .


Benjamin Henneberg, Heike Feldhaar, Elisabeth Obermaier: Artenvielfalt in Mulmhöhlen : Einfluß von Waldstruktur und Höhleneigenschaften. In: LWF aktuell, 135 (2022). - S. 12-15.

Paride Balzani, Wouter Dekoninck, Heike Feldhaar, Anne Freitag, Filippo Frizzi, Jan Frouz, Alberto Masoni, Elva Robinson, Jouni Sorvari, Giacomo Santini: Challenges and a call to action for protecting European red wood ants. In: Conservation Biology, 36 (2022). - .

Anja Holzinger, Magdalena Mair, Darleen Lücker, Dimitri Seidenath, Thorsten Opel, Nico Langhof, Oliver Otti, Heike Feldhaar: Comparison of fitness effects in the earthworm Eisenia fetida after exposure to single or multiple anthropogenic pollutants. In: Science of the Total Environment, 838, Part 3 (2022). - .

Ruth Castillo, Mareike Wurdack, Thomas Pauli, Alexander Keller, Heike Feldhaar, Carlo Polidori, Oliver Niehuis, Thomas Schmitt: Evidence for a chemical arms race between cuckoo wasps of the genus Hedychrum and their distantly related host apoid wasps. In: BMC Ecology and Evolution, 22 (2022). - .

Simon Riedl, Matthias Völkl, Anja Holzinger, Julia Jasinski, Valérie Jérôme, Thomas Scheibel, Heike Feldhaar, Ruth Freitag: In vitro cultivation of primary intestinal cells from Eisenia fetida as basis for ecotoxicological studies. In: Ecotoxicology, 31 (2022). - S. 221-233.

Marius Klotz, Jörg Schaller, Heike Feldhaar, Jürgen Dengler, Gerhard Gebauer, Gregor Aas, Anita Weissflog, Bettina Engelbrecht: Plasticity of plant silicon and nitrogen concentrations in response to water regimes varies across temperate grassland species. In: Functional Ecology, 36 (2022). - S. 3211-3222.

Kostadin B. Georgiev, Claus Bässler, Heike Feldhaar, Christoph Heibl, Peter Karasch, Jörg Müller, Michal Perlik, Ingmar Weiss, Simon Thorn: Windthrow and salvage logging alter β-diversity of multiple species groups in a mountain spruce forest. In: Forest Ecology and Management, 520 (2022). - .

Jens Diller, Sophia Drescher, Mario Hofmann, Max Rabus, Heike Feldhaar, Christian Laforsch: The Beauty is a beast : Does leachate from the invasive terrestrial plant Impatiens glandulifera affect aquatic food webs?. In: Ecology and Evolution, 12 (2022). - .


Gaëtane Le Provost, Jan Thiele, Catrin Westphal, Caterina Penone, Eric Allan, Margot Neyret, Fons van der Plas, Manfred Ayasse, Richard D. Bardgett, Klaus Birkhofer, Steffen Boch, Michael Bonkowski, Francois Buscot, Heike Feldhaar, Rachel Gaulton, Kezia Goldmann, Martin M. Gossner, Valentin H. Klaus, Till Kleinebecker, Jochen Krauss, Swen Renner, Pascal Scherreiks, Johannes Sikorski, Dennis Baulechner, Nico Blüthgen, Ralph Bolliger, Carmen Börschig, Verena Busch, Melanie Chisté, Anna Maria Fiore-Donno, Markus Fischer, Hartmut Arndt, Norbert Hoelzel, Katharina John, Kirsten Jung, Markus Lange, Carlo Marzini, Jörg Overmann, Esther Paŝalić, David J. Perović, Daniel Prati, Deborah Schäfer, Ingo Schöning, Marion Schrumpf, Ilja Sonnemann, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Marco Tschapka, Manfred Türke, Juliane Vogt, Katja Wehner, Christiane Weiner, Wolfgang Weisser, Konstans Wells, Michael Werner, Volkmar Wolters, Tesfaye Wubet, Susanne Wurst, Andrey S. Zaitsev, Peter Manning: Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. In: Nature Communications, 12 (2021). - .

TaeOh Kwon, Hideaki Shibata, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, Inger K. Schmidt, Klaus S. Larsen, Claus Beier, Björn Berg, Kris Verheyen, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Frank Hagedorn, Nico Eisenhauer, Ika Djukic, Heike and TeaComposition Network including Feldhaar: Effects of Climate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition on Early to Mid-Term Stage Litter Decomposition Across Biomes. In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4 (2021). - .

Kostadin B. Georgiev, Burkhard Beudert, Claus Bässler, Heike Feldhaar, Christoph Heibl, Peter Karasch, Jörg Müller, Michal Perlík, Ingmar Weiss, Simon Thorn: Forest disturbance and salvage logging have neutral long-term effects on drinking water quality but alter biodiversity. In: Forest Ecology and Management, 495 (2021). - .

Dimitri Seidenath, Anja Holzinger, Klara Kemnitz, Nico Langhof, Darleen Lücker, Thorsten Opel, Oliver Otti, Heike Feldhaar: Individual vs. Combined Short-Term Effects of Soil Pollutants on Colony Founding in a Common Ant Species. In: Frontiers in Insect Science, 1 (2021). - .

Benjamin Henneberg, Simon Bauer, Markus Birkenbach, Vanilla Mertl, Manuel Steinbauer, Heike Feldhaar, Elisabeth Obermaier: Influence of tree hollow characteristics and forest structure on saproxylic beetle diversity in tree hollows in managed forests in a regional comparison. In: Ecology and Evolution, 11 (2021). - S. 17973-17999.

Judith Bieberich, Stefanie Müller, Heike Feldhaar, Marianne Lauerer: Invasive Impatiens glandulifera : A driver of changes in native vegetation?. In: Ecology and Evolution, 11 (2021). - S. 1320-1333.

Pauline Lenancker, Heike Feldhaar, Anja Holzinger, Melinda Greenfield, Angela Strain, Peter Yeeles, Benjamin D. Hoffmann, Wee Tek Tay, Lori Lach: Origin, behaviour, and genetics of reproductive workers in an invasive ant. In: Frontiers in Zoology, 18 (2021). - .


Gitta Baeuerle, Heike Feldhaar, Oliver Otti: Comparing a Potential External Immune Defense Trait to Internal Immunity in Females of Wild Bumblebees. In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8 (2020). - .

Simon Thorn, Anne Chao, Kostadin B. Georgiev, Jörg Müller, Claus Bässler, John L. Campbell, Jorge Castro, Yan-Han Chen, Chang-Yong Choi, Tyler P. Cobb, Daniel C. Donato, Ewa Durska, Ellen Macdonald, Heike Feldhaar, Joseph B. Fontaine, Paula J. Fornwalt, Raquel María Hernández Hernández, Richard L. Hutto, Matti Koivula, Eun-Jae Lee, David Lindenmayer, Grzegorz Mikusiński, Martin K. Obrist, Michal Perlík, Josep Rost, Kaysandra Waldron, Beat Wermelinger, Ingmar Weiss, Michał Żmihorski, Alexandro B. Leverkus: Estimating retention benchmarks for salvage logging to protect biodiversity. In: Nature Communications, 11 (2020). - .

Simon Tragust, Claudia Herrmann, Jane Häfner, Ronja Braasch, Christina Tilgen, Maria Hoock, Margarita Artemis Milidakis, Roy Gross, Heike Feldhaar: Formicine ants swallow their highly acidic poison for gut microbial selection and control. In: eLife, 9 (2020). - .

Judith Bieberich, Heike Feldhaar, Marianne Lauerer: Micro-habitat and season dependent impact of the invasive Impatiens glandulifera on native vegetation. In: NeoBiota, 57 (2020). - S. 109-131.

Heike Feldhaar, Oliver Otti: Pollutants and Their Interaction with Diseases of Social Hymenoptera. In: Insects, 11 (2020). - .

Mickal Y. I. Houadria, Heike Feldhaar, Brigitte Fiala, Dan Leština, A. Chung, A. Salleh, H. Justin, Petra Kokorova, Tom M. Fayle: Reduced benefits of ant occupation for ant-trees in oil palm compared with heavily logged forest. In: Symbiosis, 81 (2020). - S. 79-91.

Sanja Drakulić, Theresa Spatz, Carolin Dittrich, Jörg Hager, Heike Feldhaar, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Variations in thermal preference of Bombina variegata tadpoles - Unterschiedliche Temperaturpräferenzen von Bombina-variegata-Kaulquappen. In: Mertensiella, 29 (2020). - S. 73-81.


Heike Feldhaar, Brigitte Fiala: Ant Plants, Macaranga . In: Christopher Starr (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Social Insects. - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

Birgit Gemeinholzer, Laura Demant, Martin Dieterich, Uta Eser, Nina Farwig, Christian Geske, Heike Feldhaar, Daniel Lauterbach, Michael Reis, Wolfgang Weisser, Klaus Werk: Artenschwund trotz Naturschutz : Noch immer Handlungs- und Forschungsbedarf. In: Biologie in unserer Zeit, 49 (2019). - S. 444-455.

Natacha Rossi, Heike Feldhaar: Carpenter Ants . In: Christopher Starr (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Social Insects. - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

Lisa Heuss, Michael E. Grevé, Deborah Schäfer, Verena Busch, Heike Feldhaar: Direct and indirect effects of land‐use intensification on ant communities in temperate grasslands. In: Ecology and Evolution, 9 (2019). - S. 4013-4024.

Michael E. Grevé, Sanja Bláha, Joseph Teuber, Melanie Rothmaier, Heike Feldhaar: The effect of ground surface rugosity on ant running speed is species-specific rather than size dependent. In: Insectes Sociaux, 66 (2019). - S. 355-364.

Heike Feldhaar, Lori Lach: Introduced and Invasive Species . In: Christopher Starr (Hrsg.): Encyclopedia of Social Insects. - Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

Sebastian T. Meyer, Lisa Heuss, Heike Feldhaar, Wolfgang W. Weisser, Martin M. Gossner: Land-use components, abundance of predatory arthropods, and vegetation height affect predation rates in grasslands. In: Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 270-271 (2019). - S. 84-92.

Carolin Dittrich, Juliane Huster, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Heike Feldhaar: Matriline effects on metamorphic traits in a natural system in the European common frog (Rana temporaria). In: Ecology and Evolution, 9 (2019). - S. 3075-3088.

Pina Brinker, Alfons Weig, Gerhard Rambold, Heike Feldhaar, Simon Tragust: Microbial community composition of nest-carton and adjoining soil of the ant Lasius fuliginosus and the role of host secretions in structuring microbial communities. In: Fungal Ecology, 38 (2019). - S. 44-53.


Ina Monika Margret Heidinger, Silke Hein, Heike Feldhaar, Hans-Joachim Poethke: Biased dispersal of Metrioptera bicolor, a wing dimorphic bush-cricket. In: Insect Science, 25 (2018). - S. 297-308.

Heike Feldhaar, Bastian Schauer: Dispersal of Saproxylic Insects. In: Michael D. Ulyshen (Hrsg.): Saproxylic Insects. - Cham : Springer, 2018. - S. 515-546.

Ika Djukic, Sebastian Kepfer-Rojas, Inger Kappel Schmidt, Klaus Steenberg Larsen, Claus Beier, Björn Berg, Kris Verheyen, Heike and TeaComposition Network including Feldhaar: Early stage litter decomposition across biomes. In: Science of the Total Environment, 628-629 (2018). - S. 1369-1394.

Michael E. Grevé, Jörg Hager, Wolfgang W. Weisser, Peter Schall, Martin M. Gossner, Heike Feldhaar: Effect of forest management on temperate ant communities. In: Ecosphere, 9 (2018). - .

Laura Sandberger-Loua, Mark-Oliver Rödel, Heike Feldhaar: Gene-flow in the clowds : landscape genetics of a viviparous, montane grassland toad in the tropics. In: Conservation Genetics, 19 (2018). - S. 169-180.

Bastian Schauer, Manuel Steinbauer, Lionel Sujay Vailshery, Jörg Müller, Heike Feldhaar, Elisabeth Obermaier: Influence of tree hollow characteristics on saproxylic beetle diversity in a managed forest. In: Biodiversity and Conservation, 27 (2018). - S. 853-869.

Bastian Schauer, Heike Feldhaar, Anna Kanold, Elisabeth Obermaier: Mulmhöhlen : für die Artenvielfalt im Wald. In: LWF Merkblatt, 42 (2018). - S. 1-4.

Judith Bieberich, Marianne Lauerer, Maria Drachsler, Julian Heinrichs, Stefanie Müller, Heike Feldhaar: Species- and developmental stage-specific effects of allelopathy and competition of invasive Impatiens glandulifera on co-occurring plants. In: PLoS One, 13 (2018). - .

Carolin Dittrich, Ariel Rodríguez, Ori Segev, Sanja Drakulić, Heike Feldhaar, Miguel Vences, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Temporal migration patterns and mating tactics influence size-assortative mating in Rana temporaria. In: Behavioral Ecology, 29 (2018). - S. 418-428.

Franziska Grözinger, Heike Feldhaar, Jürgen Thein, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Testing the impact of environmental conditions and matriline on tadpole developmental traits in the European Common Frog, Rana temporaria, in the field. In: Salamandra, 54 (2018). - S. 201-209.

Bastian Schauer, Heike Feldhaar, Elisabeth Obermaier: Wohnungsnot in deutschen Wäldern. In: LWF aktuell, 118 (2018). - S. 42-46.

Bastian Schauer, Jaqueline Bong, Christian Popp, Elisabeth Obermaier, Heike Feldhaar: Dispersal limitation of saproxylic insects in a managed forest? A population genetics approach. In: Basic and Applied Ecology, 32 (2018). - S. 26-38.


Sanja Drakulić, Heike Feldhaar, Duje Lisičić, Mia Mioč, Ivan Cizelj, Michael Seiler, Theresa Spatz, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Local differences of thermal preferences in European common frog (Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758) tadpoles. In: Zoologischer Anzeiger, 268 (2017). - S. 47-54.

Mareike Wurdack, Carlo Polidori, Alexander Keller, Heike Feldhaar, Thomas Schmitt: Release from prey preservation behavior via prey switch allowed diversification of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles in digger wasps. In: Evolution, 71 (2017). - S. 2562-2571.


Maria Kupper, Christian Stigloher, Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Distribution of the obligate endosymbiont Blochmannia floridanus and expression analysis of putative immune genes in ovaries of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. In: Arthropod Structure & Development, 45 (2016). - S. 475-487.

Minna-Maria Neuvonen, Daniel Tamarit, Kristina Näslund, Jürgen Liebig, Heike Feldhaar, Nancy A. Moran, Lionel Guy, Siv G. E. Andersson: The genome of Rhizobiales bacteria in predatory ants reveals urease gene functions but no genes for nitrogen fixation. In: Scientific Reports, 6 (2016). - .

Heike Feldhaar: Gewinner und Verlierer in der bayerischen Flora und Fauna in den letzten 50 Jahren : Insekten. In: Wie viel Wissenschaft braucht der Naturschutz? : Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme. - München : 2016. - S. 43-52.

Laura Sandberger-Loua, Heike Feldhaar, Robert Jehle, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Multiple paternity in a viviparous toad with internal fertilisation. In: The Science of Nature, 103 (2016). - .

Christine Figgener, Didiher Chacón-Chaverri, Michael P. Jensen, Heike Feldhaar: Paternity re-visited in a recovering population of Caribbean leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea). In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 475 (2016). - S. 114-123.

Sanja Drakulić, Heike Feldhaar, Duje Lisičić, Mia Mioč, Ivan Cizelj, Michael Seiler, Theresa Spatz, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Population-specific effects of developmental temperature on body condition and jumping performance of a widespread European frog. In: Ecology and Evolution, 6 (2016). - S. 3115-3128.

Heike Feldhaar, Ulrich Maschwitz, Brigitte Fiala: Taxonomic Revision of the Obligate Plant-Ants of the Genus Crematogaster Lund (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae), Associated with Macaranga Thouars (Euphorbiaceae) on Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. In: Sociobiology, 63 (2016). - S. 651-681.


Tobias Gegner, Oliver Otti, Simon Tragust, Heike Feldhaar: Do microsporidia function as “biological weapon” for Harmonia axyridis under natural conditions?. In: Insect Science, 22 (2015). - S. 353-359.

Mark-Oliver Rödel, Franziska Grözinger, Jürgen Thein, Carolin Dittrich, Heike Feldhaar: Grasfrösche im fränkischen Steigerwald : eine „Allerweltsart“ mit Überraschungen. In: Feldherpetologisches Magazin, (2015). - S. 32-35.

Simon Tragust, Heike Feldhaar, Xavier Espadaler, Jes Søe Pedersen: Rapid increase of the parasitic fungus Laboulbenia formicarum in supercolonies of the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus. In: Biological Invasions, 17 (2015). - S. 2795-2801.

Shishir K. Gupta, Maria Kupper, Carolin Ratzka, Heike Feldhaar, Andreas Vilcinskas, Roy Gross, Thomas Dandekar, Frank Förster: Scrutinizing the immune defence inventory of Camponotus floridanus applying total transcriptome sequencing. In: BMC Genomics, 16 (2015). - .


Heike Feldhaar: Ant nutritional ecology: linking the nutritional niche plasticity on individual and colony-level to community ecology. In: Current Opinion in Insect Science, 5 (2014). - S. 25-30.

Konstans Wells, Heike Feldhaar, Robert B. O'Hara: Population fluctuations affect inference in ecological networks of multi-species interactions. In: Oikos, 123 (2014). - S. 589-598.

Oliver Otti, Simon Tragust, Heike Feldhaar: Unifying external and internal immune defences. In: Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 29 (2014). - S. 625-634.

Maria Kupper, Shishir K. Gupta, Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Versatile roles of the chaperonin GroEL in microorganism : insect interactions. In: FEMS Microbiology Letters, 353 (2014). - S. 1-10.

Franziska Grözinger, Jürgen Thein, Heike Feldhaar, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Giants, Dwarfs and the Environment : Metamorphic Trait Plasticity in the Common Frog. In: PLoS One, 9 (2014). - .


Carolin Ratzka, Roy Gross, Heike Feldhaar: Gene expression analysis of the endosymbiont-bearing midgut tissue during ontogeny of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. In: Journal of Insect Physiology, 59 (2013). - S. 611-623.

Ina Monika Margret Heidinger, Silke Hein, Heike Feldhaar, Hans-Joachim Poethke: The genetic structure of populations of Metrioptera bicolor in a spatially structured landscape : effects of dispersal barriers and geographic distance. In: Conservation Genetics, 14 (2013). - S. 299-311.

Carolin Ratzka, Roy Gross, Heike Feldhaar: Systemic gene knockdown in Camponotus floridanus workers by feeding of dsRNA. In: Insectes Sociaux, 60 (2013). - S. 475-484.


Carolin Ratzka, Roy Gross, Heike Feldhaar: Endosymbiont Tolerance and Control within Insect Hosts. In: Insects, 3 (2012). - S. 553-572.

Franziska Grözinger, A. Wertz, Jürgen Thein, Heike Feldhaar, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Environmental factors fail to explain oviposition site use in the European common frog. In: Journal of Zoology, 288 (2012). - S. 103-111.

Carolin Ratzka, Frank Förster, Chunguang Liang, Maria Kupper, Thomas Dandekar, Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Molecular Characterization of Antimicrobial Peptide Genes of the Carpenter Ant Camponotus floridanus. In: PLoS One, 7 (2012). - .


Heike Feldhaar: Bacterial symbionts as mediators of ecologically important traits of insect hosts. In: Ecological Entomology, 36 (2011). - S. 533-543.

Sara Diana Leonhardt, Sven Form, Nico Blüthgen, Thomas Schmitt, Heike Feldhaar: Genetic Relatedness and Chemical Profiles in an Unusually Peaceful Eusocial Bee. In: Journal of Chemical Ecology, 37 (2011). - S. 1117-1126.

Carolin Ratzka, Chunguang Liang, Thomas Dandekar, Roy Gross, Heike Feldhaar: Immune response of the ant Camponotus floridanus against pathogens and its obligate mutualistic endosymbiont. In: Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41 (2011). - S. 529-536.

Jochen Drescher, Heike Feldhaar, Nico Blüthgen: Interspecific Aggression and Resource Monopolization of the Invasive Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes in Malaysian Borneo. In: Biotropica, 43 (2011). - S. 93-99.

Daniel Simberloff, Jake Alexander, Fred Allendorf, James Aronson, Pedro M. Antunes, Sven Bacher, Richard D. Bardgett, Sandro Bertolino, Melanie Bishop, Tim M. Blackburn, April Blakeslee, Dana Blumenthal, Alejandro Bortolus, Ralf Buckley, Yvonne Buckley, Jeb Byers, Ragan M. Callaway, Faith Campbell, Karl Campbell, Marnie Campbell, James T. Carlton, Phillip Cassey, Jane Catford, Laura Celesti-Grapow, John Chapman, Paul Clark, Andre Clewell, Joao Canning Clode, Andrew Chang, Milan Chytrý, Mick Clout, Andrew Cohen, Phil Cowan, Robert H. Cowie, Alycia W. Crall, Jeff Crooks, Marty Deveney, Kingsley W. Dixon, Fred C. Dobbs, David C. Duffy, Richard Duncan, Paul R. Ehrlich, Lucius Eldredge, Neal Evenhuis, Kurt D. Fausch, Heike Feldhaar, Jennifer Firn, Amy Fowler, Bella Galil, Emili Garcia-Berthou, Jonathan Geller, Piero Genovesi, Esther Gerber, Francesca Gherardi, Stephan Gollasch, Doria Gordon, Jim Graham, Paul Gribben, Blaine Griffen, Edwin D. Grosholz, Chad Hewitt, Jose L. Hierro, Philip Hulme, Pat Hutchings, Vojtĕch Jarošík, Jonathan M. Jeschke, Chris Johnson, Ladd Johnson, Emma L. Johnston, Carl G. Jones, Reuben Keller, Carolyn M. King, Bart G. J. Knols, Johannes Kollmann, Thomas Kompas, Peter M. Kotanen, Ingo Kowarik, Ingolf Kühn, Sabrina Kumschick, Brian Leung, Andrew Liebhold, Hugh MacIsaac, Richard Mack, Deborah G. McCullough, Robbie McDonald, David M. Merritt, Laura Meyerson, Dan Minchin, Harold A. Mooney, Jeffrey T. Morisette, Peter Moyle, Heinz Müller-Schärer, Brad R. Murray, Stefan Nehring, Wendy Nelson, Wolfgang Nentwig, Stephen J. Novak, Anna Occhipinti, Henn Ojaveer, Bruce Osborne: Non-natives : 141 scientists object. In: Nature, 475 (2011). - .


Sascha Stoll, Heike Feldhaar, Martin J. Fraunholz, Roy Gross: Bacteriocyte dynamics during development of a holometabolous insect, the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus. In: BMC Microbiology, 10 (2010). - .

Manfred Türke, Brigitte Fiala, Karl Eduard Linsenmair, Heike Feldhaar: Estimation of dispersal distances of the obligately plant-associated ant Crematogaster decamera. In: Ecological Entomology, 35 (2010). - S. 662-671.

Nico Blüthgen, Heike Feldhaar: Food and shelter: how resources influence ant ecology. In: Lach, Lori ; Parr, Catherine ; Abbott, Kirsti (Hrsg.): Ant ecology. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - S. 115-136.

Jochen Drescher, Nico Blüthgen, Thomas Schmitt, Jana Bühler, Heike Feldhaar: Societies Drifting Apart? Behavioural, Genetic and Chemical Differentiation between Supercolonies in the Yellow Crazy Ant Anoplolepis gracilipes. In: PLoS One, 5 (2010). - .

Heike Feldhaar, Jürgen Gadau, Brigitte Fiala: Speciation in Obligately Plant-Associated Crematogaster Ants: Host Distribution Rather than Adaption Towards Specific Hosts Drives the Process. In: Glaubrecht, Matthias (Hrsg.): Evolution in Action : Case Studies in Adaptive Radiation, Speciation and the Origin of Biodiversity. - Berlin : Springer, 2010. - S. 193-213.

Heike Feldhaar, Gerhard Gebauer, Nico Blüthgen: Stable isotopes: past and future in exposing secrets of ant nutrition (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: Myrmecological News, 13 (2010). - S. 3-13.

Melissa L. Thomas, Katrin Becker, Kirsti Abbott, Heike Feldhaar: Supercolony mosaics: two different invasions by the yellow crazy ant, Anoplolepis gracilipes, on Christmas Island, Indian Ocean. In: Biological Invasions, 12 (2010). - S. 677-687.

Laura Sandberger, Heike Feldhaar, Kathrin P. Lampert, Dunja K. Lamatsch, Mark-Oliver Rödel: Small, specialised and highly mobile? The tree-hole breeding frog, Phrynobatrachus guineensis, lacks fine-scale population structure. In: African Journal of Herpetology, 59 (2010). - S. 79-94.


Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Insects as hosts for mutualistic bacteria. In: International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 299 (2009). - S. 1-8.

Sascha Stoll, Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Promoter Characterization in the AT-Rich Genome of the Obligate Endosymbiont "Candidatus Blochmannia floridanus". In: Journal of Bacteriology, 191 (2009). - S. 3747-3751.

Sascha Stoll, Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Transcriptional profiling of the endosymbiont Blochmannia floridanus during different developmental stages of its holometabolous ant host. In: Environmental Microbiology, 11 (2009). - S. 877-888.

Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Genome degeneration affects both extracellular and intracellular bacterial endosymbionts. In: Journal of Biology, 8 (2009). - .

Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Insect Symbionts. In: Schaible, Ulrich E. ; Haas, Albert (Hrsg.): Intracellular niches of microbes : a pathogens guide through the host cell. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2009. - S. 547-563.


Heike Feldhaar, Roy Gross: Immune reactions of insects on bacterial pathogens and mutualists. In: Microbes and Infection, 10 (2008). - S. 1082-1088.

Heike Feldhaar, Susanne Foitzik, Jürgen Heinze: Lifelong commitment to the wrong partner : Hybridization in ants. In: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 363 (2008). - S. 2891-2899.

L. Gomez-Valero, A. Latorre, R. Gil, Jürgen Gadau, Heike Feldhaar, F. J. Silva: Patterns and rates of nucleotide substitution, insertion and deletion in the endosymbiont of ants Blochmannia floridanus. In: Molecular Ecology, 17 (2008). - S. 4382-4392.

R. G. Pol, J. Lopez de Casenave, Heike Feldhaar, F. A. Milesi, Jürgen Gadau: Polyandry in two South American harvester ants. In: Insectes Sociaux, 55 (2008). - S. 91-97.

M. Helmkampf, Jürgen Gadau, Heike Feldhaar: Population- and sociogenetic structure of the leaf-cutter ant Atta colombica (Formicidae, Myrmicinae). In: Insectes Sociaux, 55 (2008). - S. 434-442.


Sascha Stoll, Jürgen Gadau, Roy Gross, Heike Feldhaar: Bacterial microbiota associated with ants of the genus Tetraponera. In: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 90 (2007). - S. 399-412.

Andreas Wilting, Valerie A. Buckley-Beason, Heike Feldhaar, Jürgen Gadau, Stephen J. O'Brien, Karl Eduard Linsenmair: Clouded leopard phylogeny revisited : support for species recognition and population division between Borneo and Sumatra. In: Frontiers in Zoology, 4 (2007). - .

Josef Straka, Heike Feldhaar: Development of a chemically defined diet for ants. In: Insectes Sociaux, 54 (2007). - S. 100-104.

Heike Feldhaar, Josef Straka, Markus Krischke, Kristina Berthold, Sascha Stoll, Martin J. Mueller, Roy Gross: Nutritional upgrading for omnivorous carpenter ants by the endosymbiont Blochmannia. In: BMC Biology, 5 (2007). - .

Jochen Drescher, Nico Blüthgen, Heike Feldhaar: Population structure and intraspecific aggression in the invasive ant species Anoplolepis gracilipes in Malaysian Borneo. In: Molecular Ecology, 16 (2007). - S. 1453-1465.


Heike Feldhaar, Jochen Drescher, Nico Blüthgen: Characterization of microsatellite markers for the invasive ant species Anoplolepis gracilipes. In: Molecular Ecology Notes, 6 (2006). - S. 912-914.

Andreas Jürgens, Heike Feldhaar, Barbara Feldmeyer, Brigitte Fiala: Chemical composition of leaf volatiles in Macaranga species (Euphorbiaceae) and their potential role as olfactory cues in host-localization of foundress queens of specific ant partners. In: Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 34 (2006). - S. 97-113.

Evelyn Zientz, Ivo Beyaert, Roy Gross, Heike Feldhaar: Relevance of the endosymbiosis of Blochmannia floridanus and carpenter ants at different stages of the life cycle of the host. In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 (2006). - S. 6027-6033.

Ulrich Maschwitz, Heike Feldhaar, Ronald H. L. Disney: A virgin killer : The phorid Trucidophora feldhaarae sp n. parasitizes female reproductives of obligate plant-ants of the genus Crematogaster (Diptera : Phoridae; Formicidae : Myrmicinae). In: Sociobiology, 47 (2006). - S. 811-828.


Evelyn Zientz, Heike Feldhaar, Sascha Stoll, Roy Gross: Insights into the microbial world associated with ants. In: Archives of Microbiology, 184 (2005). - S. 199-206.

Heike Feldhaar, Brigitte Fiala, Jürgen Gadau: A shift in colony founding behaviour in the obligate plant-ant Crematogaster (Decacrema) morphospecies 2. In: Insectes Sociaux, 52 (2005). - S. 222-230.


Heike Feldhaar, Brigitte Fiala, Jürgen Gadau: Characterization of microsatellite markers for plant-ants of the genus Crematogaster subgenus Decacrema. In: Molecular Ecology Notes, 4 (2004). - S. 409-411.


Heike Feldhaar, Brigitte Fiala, Jürgen Gadau, Maryati Mohamed, Ulrich Maschwitz: Molecular phylogeny of Crematogaster subgenus Decacrema ants (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) and the colonization of Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) trees. In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 27 (2003). - S. 441-452.

Heike Feldhaar, Brigitte Fiala, Rosli Bin Hashim, Ulrich Maschwitz: Patterns of the Crematogaster-Macaranga association: The ant partner makes the difference. In: Insectes Sociaux, 50 (2003). - S. 9-19.


J. Moog, Heike Feldhaar, Ulrich Maschwitz: On the caulinary domatia of the SE-Asian ant-plant Zanthoxylum myriacanthum Wall. ex Hook. f. (Rutaceae) their influence on branch statics, and the protection against herbivory. In: Sociobiology, 40 (2002). - S. 547-574.


Heike Feldhaar, Brigitte Fiala, Rosli Bin Hashim, Ulrich Maschwitz: Maintaining an ant-plant symbiosis: secondary polygyny in the Macaranga triloba-Crematogaster sp. association. In: Naturwissenschaften, 87 (2000). - S. 408-411.


Heike Feldhaar, J. Ries, W. F. Caspary, J. Stein: Heat shock proteins protect the barrier function of epithelial cell lines. In: Gastroenterology, 114 (1998). - S. A368.

Heike Feldhaar, J. Ries, W. F. Caspary, J. Stein: Induction of heatshock-proteins helps to maintain the barrier function of epithelial-cell-lines. In: The FASEB Journal, 12 (1998). - S. A441.

Heike Feldhaar, J. Stein: Stress proteins and molecular chaperones - protectors of intestinal epithelial damage?. In: Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, 36 (1998). - S. 193-195.

Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
Population Ecology

Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

Chair Animal Ecology I - Population Ecology
Building NW I, Room 5.0 01 05
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth

Secretary: Martina Karsch

Phone: +49 (0) 921 55 2645
E-mail: Heike.Feldhaar@uni-bayreuth.de

Webmaster: Univ. Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar

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